Concealed Carry Critical Trauma Care
The need a higher level of training than just CPR/First Aid training is critical. The training in this 1-day course can be used to ‘cure’ everything from the usual bumps and bruises to gunshot trauma. In the recent past, there have been many instances of ‘active shooters’ and many who died at their hands may have been saved if only they had received emergency care sooner. Practical shooting and medical scenarios highlight this course.

Counter Car-Jacking

NRA Refuse to be a Victim
Experts agree that the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the decision to refuse to be a victim. That means that you must have an overall personal safety strategy in place before you need it. Through a 2-4 hour seminar you can learn the personal safety tips and techniques you need to avoid dangerous situations and avoid becoming a victim. Many federal, state, and local law enforcement officials across the country have implemented Refuse To Be A Victim® into their crime prevention and community policing initiatives.

Use of Force/Force on Force
The need to know the rules of Use of Force if you carry a concealed weapon is critical. In addition, the force-on-force and discretionary live fire range drills cement these rules and make them part of your arsenal. In this 1-day course participants will learn about the laws as they pertain to concealed weapons carry.

Fundamental Home Safety & Defense
A 1-day class designed for individuals and/or husband/wife ‘teams’ that want to know the most effective and efficient ways to protect their home and family. Discussions about use-of-force, 'Castle Doctrine', room clearing and Force-on-Force scenarios; cover, concealment; safe-room set-up and much more.

Trauma/First Aid
This 5-part seminar series focuses on the 'non-tactical' individual who feels the need to increase their emergency medical skills. Not all people carry firearms for self-protection but everyone should have the skills and equipment necessary to treat life threatening injuries that could be sustained is a vehicle accident or other critical event. The seminar will range from 1-1.5 hours in length and culminate in an overall assessment during the last session.

Trauma/First Aid
This 5-part seminar series focuses on the 'non-tactical' individual who feels the need to increase their emergency medical skills. Not all people carry firearms for self-protection but everyone should have the skills and equipment necessary to treat life threatening injuries that could be sustained in a motor vehicle accident or other critical event. The seminar will range from 1-1.5 hours in length and will culminate in an overall assessment during the last session.

NRA Refuse to be a Victim
Experts agree that the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the decision to refuse to be a victim. That means that you must have an overall personal safety strategy in place before you need it. Through a 2-4 hour seminar you can learn the personal safety tips and techniques you need to avoid dangerous situations and avoid becoming a victim. Many federal, state, and local law enforcement officials across the country have implemented Refuse To Be A Victim® into their crime prevention and community policing initiatives.

Use of Force/Force on Force
The need to know the rules of Use of Force if you carry a concealed weapon is critical. In addition, the force-on-force and discretionary live fire range drills cement these rules and make them part of your arsenal. In this 1-day course participants will learn about the laws as they pertain to concealed weapons carry.

Fundamental Home Safety & Defense
A 1-day class designed for individuals and/or spousal teams that want to know the most effective and efficient ways to protect their home and family. Discussions include use-of-force, 'Castle Doctrine', room clearing and Force-on-Force scenarios; cover, concealment; safe-room set-up and much more.