GTAC offers courses designed to develop the personal physical skills necessary to solve real-world self-defense situations. The trend toward more violent crime should be a warning to all citizens to prepare for any eventuality. Being caught unaware and unprepared can lead to catastrophic consequences. Firearm, empty-hand and weapons skills are taught for all levels of interest and ability with the focus on practical application rather than competition.
In today’s world it is important for every individual to know how to protect themselves in critical situations. It is actually our personal responsibility to be able to do so. Our children, families and loved ones depend on us to keep them safe and we cannot fail.
We offer training for all levels of interest and skill levels - from the beginner to the more seasoned firearm practitioners. Courses include handguns, carbine/rifle, shotgun, empty-hand, counter car-jacking, home defense, use of force, edged weapons and much more.
The Staff
Gary J. Glemboski, Director

Gary began his association with firearms and personal protection at the age of ten when he was given a single action .22 caliber pistol. With the addition of a .22 bolt action rifle, he patrolled the deserts of southern New Mexico on Saturday mornings, never dreaming of the adventures that lay ahead.
After graduating from high school in 1971, he joined the Marine Corps adding to his schooling in firearms and marksmanship. In 1978, he entered the law enforcement field and also found a second home with a U.S. Army Reserve Unit (11th Special Forces Group), where he spent 21/2 years. His weapons training continued in both arenas.
As a SWAT officer for over 24 years, Gary was initially trained as a sniper. He spent time on the entry team, as team training supervisor and eventually twelve years as the team Commander.
During this period, he also competed on the department’s pistol team winning numerous team and individual awards. He was awarded the Medal of Valor and Silver Star for bravery for operations conducted while on the SWAT team. During his tenure on the team, he was able to train with many talented individuals in both the military and law enforcement.
In 1968, Gary began his martial arts training with Fred Absher and eventually attained the rank of 7th degree Black Belt. During his competition career, he won over 100 awards at all levels of competition and was a rated Light heavyweight Full-Contact fighter. He has trained hundreds of students and has run several schools. He continues to develop and instruct self-protection classes to civilians and law enforcement at all levels.
During his law enforcement career, Gary has protected many dignitaries to include four U.S. Presidents, King Hussein of Jordan, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Barbara Bush, Senator R. Dole, Kevin Spacey, and others. From 1994-96, he was responsible for security during the 1996 Olympics in Savannah, GA coordinating the security function with over fifty other agencies and groups.
In addition to over 4000 hours of law enforcement related training, Gary has also earned a graduate degree in Public Administration, is a graduate of the FBI National Academy (Quantico, VA) and the Georgia Law Enforcement Command College. He is a nationally registered EMT-I (NREMT-I), and is co-developer of a nationally recognized Tactical Medic course. He has written several articles and training manuals and has been published in the FBI Bulletin, SWAT Magazine, and Law & Order magazine and several newspapers. He is a member of the National Rifle Association and is a certified pistol, shotgun, and home protection instructor and range safety officer. He is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and America Society of Law Enforcement Trainers and holder of that organization’s Certified Law Enforcement Trainer (CLET) certification. He is also a Public Safety Diver Instructor and a Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist.
Joey Hyer, Staff Instructor (Medical, Handgun, Carbine)

Joey is an Army veteran who is still currently serving in the National Guard. He spent his career as an enlisted man performing the duties as a Combat Medic and as an infantry officer on the commissioned side, a job he still serves in. He has attended and been certified in numerous medical, shooting and leadership courses throughout his career. He currently serves as a law enforcement officer for a department in Georgia and is a certified EMT/SWAT/K9 medic.
Joseph E. Bouchard, Jr. (Handgun, Carbine, Shotgun)

A Native of Deerfield, NH. Joe Bouchard entered the United States Army on 7 November 2000, attending One Station Unit Training at Fort Benning, Ga as an Infantryman, and immediately following attended the United States Army Airborne School, and the 75th Ranger Regiments Ranger Indoctrination Program earning the right to wear the beret.
Other assignments have included: 1st Ranger Battalion Hunter AAF, GA, Instructor of Military Science DMI, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, Military Police Special Reaction Team, Team Leader, United States Army Garrison, West Point, NY, Shaw Air Force Base, SC, and RA Observer Controller/Trainer, 188th IN BDE, Fort Stewart, Ga.
Joe has completed the following military courses: U.S. Army Infantry School, U.S. Army Airborne School, 75th Ranger Regiments Ranger Indoctrination Program (RIP), 75th Ranger Regiment Pre Ranger Course, U. S. Army Ranger School, Expert Infantry Course, 75th Ranger Regiment Team Leaders Course, Modern Army Combative Program Level I, and the Anti-Terrorism Officer Level II
Joe has also completed specialized training and has certifications as a Sig Sauer Master Pistol Instructor, Master Rifle Instructor, Master Shotgun Instructor, and Active Shooter Response Instructor. He has attended the Jerry Barnhardt Tactical Shooting Technologies Course, and the Special Operations Close Quarter Combat Course. He has Basic, Advance and Master Breacher Certification. Joe has extensive combat experience with, and qualified as expert marksman day/night with a multitude of weapons systems. He has also attend the Ranger First Responder Course and is an Emergency Medical Technician–Intermediate.
Hector Eide, Staff Instructor (Handgun, Carbine, Curriculum Development)

Hector is the Program Manager for the PennDOT Motorcycle Safety Program and formerly a Center of Excellence Senior Coordinator as a Defense Contractor to the Departments of the Army, Navy, US Marine Corps, and Air Force. Hector directs curriculum development, quality initiatives, employee development, and conducts research and studies for State and Department of Defense projects and is an experienced senior trainer who serves as a subject matter expert in multiple training and education classifications. Hector served 21 years in the United States Air Force with varied experiences in planning and training, Anti-terrorism force protection, combat readiness and sustainment training, air field security and defense, search and recovery, mortuary affairs, vertical descent and ascent recovery, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical defense, surface and subsurface water rescue, Military Motorcycle training programs, and Food Services. Hector’s practical experiences are bolstered by project experiences with the Departments of Defense and State programs. Hector has also planned, conducted, and coordinated multiple agency training, education, and exercise projects with state, county, and local disaster management offices. Hector holds a Bachelor’s degree in management, and a Master’s degree in Education—Curriculum and Instruction.
Joe Alderman, C.Ht., Staff Instructor (Handgun, Shotgun, Carbine)

Joe lives near Savannah, Georgia and is currently working on his PhD in Psychology and has his own practice as a hypno-therapist. As a retiree from the US Air Force, he also knows the sacrifices that our military personnel make every day. His ultimate goal is to use his skills to help veterans overcome mental issues developed throughout their service to our nation. His other passion is to help people to learn how to overcome life’s issues and protect themselves with self-defense.
Presently he work full time as a Bail Recovery Agent. He is a certified, NRA instructor and Hypnotherapist. He assists with all G-TAC and has been studying martial arts for several years. Occasionally, he provides security for high-profile individuals traveling to/through the Savannah area.
Bill Bromberg, MD, FACS, Staff Instructor (Medical)

Dr. Bromberg is board certified in General Surgery with added qualifications in Surgical Critical Care. He has practiced General and Trauma Surgery at Memorial University Medical Center, the only Level I Trauma Center in Southeastern Georgia since 2002. Dr. Bromberg has a special interest in the care of penetrating trauma, tactical medicine, and civilian first aid for trauma, is a member of multiple medical societies dedicated to the care of the trauma patient including the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, and has published multiple papers on the care of the traumatically injured patient.
Dan 'Chip' Fogarty, EVOC Instructor (Handgun, Shotgun)
'Chip' has been in the law enforcement field since 1984. He served with the Savannah (GA) Police department and with the Chatham County Sheriff's Department for 24 years, heading up their recruitment and Training Division before he retired. He was also Operations Commander for the Chatham County Jail and served in various other functions to include Public Relations Officer, Courtroom Deputy, Street Operations, Mental Health Apprehension and CEMA Emergency Command Center Security Supervisor. He is currently the Director of the Savannah Technical College Peace Officer Academy.
Chip is a certified through Georgia POST as a General Instructor, Firearms Instructor, defensive Tactics Instructor, OC Instructor, and Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVOC) Instructor. He also has specialty instructor certifications is TASER, Verbal Judo, NIMS and several other subjects and is a certified NRA Instructor.
John Taylor, Staff Instructor (Legal Advisor, Handgun)
Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army after a career of nearly 21½ years, John Taylor is currently a Sergeant with the Armstrong Atlantic State University Police Department. He serves as the Commander of both the Cyber Forensics Division and the Professional Development Division for the department. He is a Georgia POST certified Peace Officer as well as a POST certified Firearms Instructor, Emergency Vehicle Operators’ Course (EVOC) Instructor, and General Instructor. His other qualifications include NRA certified Rifle and Pistol Instructor, IDPA Range Safety Officer, and Glock Certified Armorer. He has also earned an Intermediate Handgun Certificate from Rogers Shooting School.
Highlights of his military career include service as Legal Advisor, First Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta (Delta Force); Group Judge Advocate, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne); Legal Assistance and Criminal Defense Attorney, 82nd Airborne Division; Operational Legal Advisor to the J3, Operations, HQ, IFOR/SFOR, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; and Legal Advisor, Task Force Bowie, Bagram, Afghanistan, November 2001-May 2002.
His military awards and decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Jumpmaster Certificate, Master Parachutist Badge, Air Assault Badge, and Australian Parachutist Badge. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a Juris Doctor degree, and a post-Doctoral Masters of Law in Military Law with a specialty in International Law. Among other areas, he is an expert in the law and doctrine governing the domestic and overseas use of deadly force.
GTAC offers courses designed to develop the personal physical skills necessary to solve real-world self-defense situations. The trend toward more violent crime should be a warning to all citizens to prepare for any eventuality. Being caught unaware and unprepared can lead to catastrophic consequences. Firearm, empty-hand and weapons skills are taught for all levels of interest and ability with the focus on practical application rather than competition.
In today’s world it is important for every individual to know how to protect themselves in critical situations. It is actually our personal responsibility to be able to do so. Our children, families and loved ones depend on us to keep them safe and we cannot fail.
We offer training for all levels of interest and skill levels - from the beginner to the more seasoned firearm practitioners. Courses include handguns, carbine/rifle, shotgun, empty-hand, counter car-jacking, home defense, use of force, edged weapons and much more.
The Staff

Gary began his association with firearms and personal protection at the age of ten when he was given a single action .22 caliber pistol. With the addition of a .22 bolt action rifle, he patrolled the deserts of southern New Mexico on Saturday mornings, never dreaming of the adventures that lay ahead.
After graduating from high school in 1971, he joined the Marine Corps adding to his schooling in firearms and marksmanship. In 1978, he entered the law enforcement field and found a second home with a U.S. Army Reserve Unit (11th Special Forces Group), where he spent two and one-half years. His weapons training continued in both arenas.
As a SWAT officer for over 24 years, Gary was initially trained as a sniper. He spent time on the entry team, as team training supervisor and eventually twelve years as the team Commander.
During this period, he also competed on the department’s pistol team, winning numerous team and individual awards. He was awarded the Medal of Valor and Silver Star for bravery for operations conducted while on the SWAT team. During his tenure on the team, he was able to train with many talented individuals in both military and law enforcement.
In 1968, Gary began his martial arts training with Fred Absher and eventually attained the rank of 7th degree Black Belt. During his competition career, he won over 100 awards at all levels of competition and was a rated Light heavyweight Full-Contact fighter. He has trained hundreds of students and has run several schools. He continues to develop and instruct self-protection classes to civilians and law enforcement at all levels.
During his law enforcement career, Gary has protected many dignitaries to include four U.S. Presidents, King Hussein of Jordan, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Barbara Bush, Senator Robert Dole, Kevin Spacey, and others. From 1994-96, he was responsible for security during the 1996 Olympics in Savannah, GA coordinating the security function with over fifty other agencies and groups.
In addition to over 4000 hours of law enforcement related training, Gary has also earned a graduate degree in Public Administration, is a graduate of the FBI National Academy (Quantico, VA) and the Georgia Law Enforcement Command College. He is a nationally registered EMT-I (NREMT-I) and is co-developer of a nationally recognized Tactical Medic course. He has written several articles and training manuals and has been published in the FBI Bulletin, SWAT Magazine, Law & Order magazine, The Firearms Instructor (IALEFI newsletter) and several newspapers. He is a member of the National Rifle Association and is a certified pistol, shotgun, and home protection instructor and range safety officer. He is a member of the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and America Society of Law Enforcement Trainers and holder of that organization’s Certified Law Enforcement Trainer (CLET) certification. He is also a Public Safety Diver Instructor and a Certified Anti-Terrorism Specialist.

Staff Instructor (Medical, Handgun, Carbine)
Joey is an Army veteran who is still currently serving in the National Guard. He spent his career as an enlisted man performing the duties as a Combat Medic and as an infantry officer on the commissioned side, a job he still serves in. He has attended and been certified in numerous medical, shooting and leadership courses throughout his career. He currently serves as a law enforcement officer for a department in Georgia and is a certified EMT/SWAT/K9 medic.

Staff Instructor (Handgun, Carbine, Curriculum Development)
Hector Eide is the GTAC Corporate pilot and a multi-faceted service provider in the training and education disciplines, private-organization custom programs, and a Special Investigator. Hector served 21 years in the United States Air Force with varied experiences in planning and training, Anti-terrorism force protection, combat readiness and sustainment training, air field security and defense, search and recovery, mortuary affairs, vertical descent and ascent recovery, Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical defense, recreational surface and subsurface water rescue, Military Motorcycle training programs, and military Food Services.
Hector’s practical experiences are bolstered by project and program experiences within the Departments of Defense and State programs. Hector has also planned, conducted, and coordinated multiple agency training, education, and exercise projects with state, county, and local disaster management offices.
Hector holds a Bachelor’s degree in management, and a Master’s degree in Education—Curriculum and Instruction. He enjoys any activity involving aircraft, shooting sports, and motorcycles. Hi tide mark: Still alive despite everything! Low tide mark: Failed firearm and accouterments retail store The Blunderbuss—a haberdashery for muzzleloader enthusiasts.

Staff Instructor (Handgun, Shotgun, Carbine)
Joe lives near Savannah, Georgia and is currently completing his work on his PhD in Psychology and has his own practice as a hypno-therapist. As a retiree from the US Air Force, his ultimate goal is to use his skills to help veterans overcome mental issues developed throughout their service to our nation. His other passion is to help people to learn how to overcome life’s issues and protect themselves with self-defense.
Presently he works full time as a Bail Recovery Agent and as a motorcycle safety instructor. He is a certified NRA instructor and Hypnotherapist. He assists with all G-TAC classes and has been studying martial arts for several years. Occasionally, he also provides security for high-profile individuals traveling to/through the Savannah area.

Staff Instructor (Medical)
Dr. Bromberg is board certified in General Surgery with added qualifications in Surgical Critical Care. He has practiced General and Trauma Surgery at Memorial University Medical Center, the only Level I Trauma Center in Southeastern Georgia since 2002.
Dr. Bromberg has a special interest in the care of penetrating trauma, tactical medicine, and civilian first aid for trauma. He is a member of multiple medical societies dedicated to the care of the trauma patient including the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma and the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma and he has published multiple papers on the care of the traumatically injured patient.

Staff Instructor (EVOC, Handgun, Shotgun)
'Chip' has been in the law enforcement field since 1984. He served with the Savannah (GA) Police department and with the Chatham County Sheriff's Department for 24 years, heading up their Recruitment and Training Division before his retirement. He was also Operations Commander for the Chatham County Jail and served in various other functions to include Public Relations Officer, Courtroom Deputy, Street Operations, Mental Health Apprehension and CEMA Emergency Command Center Security Supervisor. He is currently the Director of the Savannah Technical College Peace Officer Academy.
Chip is certified through Georgia POST as a General Instructor, Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, OC Instructor, and Emergency Vehicle Operations (EVOC) Instructor. He also has specialty instructor certifications in TASER, Verbal Judo, NIMS and several other subjects and is a certified NRA Instructor.

Staff Instructor (Legal Advisor, Handgun)
Retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army after a career of over 21 years, John also served as a Lieutenant with the Armstrong Atlantic State University Police Department where he served as the Commander of both the Cyber Forensics Division and the Professional Development Division for the department.
He is a Georgia POST certified Peace Officer as well as a POST certified Firearms Instructor, Emergency Vehicle Operators’ Course (EVOC) Instructor, and General Instructor. His other qualifications include NRA certified Rifle and Pistol Instructor, IDPA Range Safety Officer, and Glock Certified Armorer. He has also earned an Intermediate Handgun Certificate from Rogers Shooting School.
Highlights of his military career include service as Legal Advisor, First Special Forces Operational Detachment – Delta (Delta Force); Group Judge Advocate, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne); Legal Assistance and Criminal Defense Attorney, 82nd Airborne Division; Operational Legal Advisor to the J3, Operations, HQ, IFOR/SFOR, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina; and Legal Advisor, Task Force Bowie, Bagram, Afghanistan, November 2001-May 2002.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a Juris Doctor degree, and a post-Doctoral Master of Law in Military Law with a specialty in International Law. Among other areas, he is an expert in the law and doctrine governing the domestic and overseas use of deadly force.

Staff Instructor (Handgun, Medical)
William is a native of Savannah, GA, and entered the United States Army in June 2001. While Active Duty, he was assigned to the HQ USAG Company at Ft. Wainwright, AK. He attended the DoD Fire Academy at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo TX, where he received his initial training in Firefighting, Hazmat, Medical and Rescue. After his active duty time, he transitioned to Hunter Army Airfield as a civilian firefighter. He is now a Captain with the Hunter AAF Fire & Emergency Services, with a specialty in Heavy and Technical Rescue, and Emergency Trauma Medicine, while maintaining multiple advanced certifications in Hazardous Materials Mitigation, Anti-Terrorism Protection, and Emergency Management.
William’s firearms experience started in competitive rifle team in High School, and he became an NRA Certified instructor in 2008. He assists multiple agencies with practical training, and continues to pursue advanced instruction. He is also certified to Gun Instructor Level 1 with the American Krav Maga Federation and received his Tactical Emergency Casualty Care certification in 2018.

Staff Instructor (Handgun, Firearm Safety, Medical)
GTAC’s newest instructor, Lori Gaylor has been associated with GTAC for over 15 years when she took her first handgun class with us. She has since assisted with numerous classes and has taken several handgun, shotgun, rifle and carbine courses.
She is an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. She is also an NRA certified Home Firearm Safety instructor and an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer. Lori works in the medical field and she enjoys shooting pistols, carbines, and precision rifles (especially long range).

Staff Instructor (Precision Rifle, Ballistics)
As a ballistician, shooting is not just part of Boone’s profession but a passion he loves sharing. This passion ranges from building custom long-range rigs to instructing beginners experts and professionals in the effective implementation of precision weapons.
With over 15 years of ballistics and precision weapons experience Boone approaches long range shooting from an entirely novel standpoint. After cutting his teeth as a ballistician for McWhorter Custom Rifles and the long-range hunting show, Brush Country Monsters, he returned to the Georgia coast to begin his own ballistics consultancy. His research in the precision weapons field has led to custom cartridge development as well as in depth curriculum development for modern long-range technologies. He continues this research in both long-range hunting cartridge development and Extreme Long Range (ELR) Target cartridge development.

Staff Instructor (Combatives, Handgun)
William is a Fit to Fight® Defensive Options® Black Belt, certified Fit To Fight® Level I and II, SPARology™ instructor, certified MittMaster in training and is also a certified Active Killer Defense Training, FireArmed™️ Instructor, and a certified Emergency First Responder Course instructor.
With almost 12 years training in Krav Maga and Fit to Fight® Defensive Options®, along with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, weapons training and other modes of self-defense, William remains dedicated to teaching individuals the necessary skills to keep themselves and those close to them safe.